Resistance makes no difference, whether in France or Palestine

TEHRAN- When the German army occupied France at the beginning of World War II, France was divided into two parts. One under the leadership of Marshal Petain accepted collaboration with the occupying forces and the occupiers granted them a government under occupation without authority and power. But the other did not give in to this humiliation and chose the path of resistance.
They founded the "French Resistance," which consisted of hundreds of thousands of French men and women who fought to end Nazi occupation and paid the price for it. Without a doubt, no occupying force is willing to listen and only understands the language of force. The "French Resistance" fought for the freedom of their country, but the Nazis labeled this resistance as sabotage and terrorist operations. They held ordinary people hostage and punished them collectively and brutally for any action by the resistance forces.
The theme of one of the threatening announcements by the occupiers was: "After each terrorist operation, depending on the seriousness of the crime, several people will be killed." It is estimated that during the occupation of France, Hitler's army killed 30,000 ordinary French people and arrested, tortured, and forced many to become refugees inside their homeland.
The resistance was not only limited to France. People from Russia, Hungary, Luxembourg, Spain, Italy, Poland, America, and even some anti-fascist Germans also collaborated and actively participated in this front.
The "French Resistance" played a significant and decisive role in the victory of D-Day and the liberation of France after 50 months of occupation.
The resistance of the French against Nazi occupation is a shining chapter in the country’s modern history, and even though eight decades have passed, it is still remembered with pride. Every year, detailed and diverse programs are organized in Paris and other cities to commemorate this occasion.
Let's imagine that the Allies won the war, and France remained under German occupation. Would the meaning of occupation and resistance change after nearly 80 years? Could anyone say that resistance is futile because 80 years have passed and they should bid farewell to their country and identity called France? Would anyone other than the occupiers blame and accuse the "French Resistance" of violence and terrorism?
The story of the German occupation of France and the situation of the Israeli regime and the occupation of Palestinian land have interesting similarities. The Israeli occupiers also accuse Palestinian fighters of terrorism. In France, if a German occupier was killed, three French people who had no connection to the incident were killed in retaliation. This savage and inhumane equation in occupied Palestine is one to ten!
As Ayatollah Khamenei, the Leader of Iran, pointed out a few days ago, Western supporters of the Israeli regime must ask themselves this serious question: How is the proud and commendable French resistance celebrated, while Palestinian resistance is labeled as terrorism and condemned?
So far more than 10,000 Palestinians have been martyred in Gaza, and without a doubt, the supporters of the Israeli army are complicit in this great crime.
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